Convocation: the moment every student is working towards! Traditionally, convocation is held on the green in the centre of McGill’s downtown campus, though during the COVID-19 pandemic they have been held virtually. These artefacts document the ceremony, as well as related banquets and speeches. They also represent honours awarded to graduates and other commemorations of this culminating accomplishment.
Convocation at McGill University, including Governor-General of Canada, Harold Alexander, and Edward Ballon (in white sweater), 1946. McGill University Archives,(2014-0073.04.1). Graduation dinner menu, 1910. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-091). Sigma Chi graduation medallion, undated. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-07-008). Programme for banquet honouring graduating class of 1935. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-234). Photo of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt at convocation, 1944. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-04-043). Addresses delivered at the Victory Convocation and ceremonies commemorating Founder’s Day, 1945. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-01-096). Graduation Robe. McGill University Archives, (Artefact no. 235). Two Addresses, Founder’s Day Convocation, 1933. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-01-135). Order of service for Baccalaureates, Redpath Hall, 1964. McGill University Archives, (0000-0163). Henry Chapman Gold Medal, 1883. McGill University Archives, (0000-0408). Class and Reunion Pins, various dates. McGill University Archives, (0000-0780). Convocation seating chart, 1951. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-087). Ticket for convocation, 1927. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-087). Programme for annual convocation, 1914. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-087). Special convocation ticket, 1946. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-049). Founder’s day convocation invitation, 1947. McGill University Archives, MG 4319 (4319-02-049). Graduation Cap. McGill University Archives, (Artefact no. 234). Convocation 1925 with Arthur Currie behind speaker. McGill University Archives, McGill University Archives Photo Collection (PR002684). Convocation procession in front of Roddick Gates, McGill University, 1925. McGill University Archives, McGill University Archives Photo Collection (PR026581). Exterior Graduates Convocation Procession, 1923. McGill University Archives, McGill University Archives Photo Collection (PR032264).